Hello! Let me introduce myself and tell you why I'm writing. So, I'm Debbie Day or "debbieday". That's my brand name for my websites, youtube channel (debbieday songs) and pen name for my books. A little bit about me: I'm a wife of 7 years, proud Mother of two energetic and silly twin boys, newly published author/illustrator, registered nurse, songwriter, runner, competitive race rookie, and lover of all things adventure!
From a very young age, I've always loved to create songs and stories - especially children's stories. As a little girl, I wrote about fairies and pirates and mermaids fighting and exploring and falling into hidden woods or secret worlds. I loved to draw the pictures of the mean pirates and delicate fairy wings and put it all together into a book to show to my classmates and family. Nothing was more fun! I still feel that same way and continue to LOVE writing.
Aside from writing books, I also have a passion for writing music. I write songs about being a nurse, my husband, my kids, my pet bunny "Muffin", and life it general. Right now, I'm in the process of getting all my music recorded into decent versions so I can share them. Some of them are up on my youtube channel...
So, why this blog? Well, I want a place to share both my creations, and my journey as an author and "indie" publisher (and maybe a little bit of my other passions here and there). I hope that I can inspire others to do the things they feel passionate about and give any tips or ideas that have helped me along my journey.
Weather or not a handful or a hundred people will ever read my writings or songs,
it's something I will continue doing forever, because it brings me so much joy. It gives me
something to do during the boys' naps besides laundry, dishes, and browsing facebook, and it's just plain fun!
So, if you are reading, thanks so much for stopping in! I hope you enjoy hearing about my journey and most of all, I hope you feel inspired to start working on YOUR creations!