Friday, March 31, 2017

Confessions of a picture book manuscript submission...based on true events

After hours of writing, revising, and researching, I’m finally ready to submit my manuscript! EEEEEEK! Okay, I should probably double check the submission criteria one more time before I print all this off. 

(Looks up submission page on publisher’s website).

“Please include your contact information,” Check!

“List any credentials qualifying you to write your book,” Wow, I feel incredibly under-qualified by that statement….but check! 

“Be sure to send a cover letter with your synopsis (no more than 250 words),” Okay, better read that one more time. YES! Perfect! 

“Include competing titles and how your story would stand out in the market.” Shoot.  That sounds like soooo much work.

(Some time later, types up new paragraph in query letter).

Okay! Now I am ready!  Let’s print this baby off!

(Prints cover letter, query letter, and manuscript, reads it out-loud)

Wait a second! Now this sentence sounds completely stupid! I have to rewrite this, I'm not sending this! 

(Rewrites sentence and looks over documents again to be sure. Prints again). 

Oh my heck! I forgot to mention this is a multiple submission! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Oh well, guess I’ll need to print again. Well…while I’m at it, I think I’ll change my contact information and take out the fact that I’m a SCBWI member since I already mention that in the query letter. 

(Revises, prints again). 

OH NO! I probably should have mentioned in the cover letter that I’ve included my query letter and manuscript. I don’t want the editor to think I’m rude or too lazy to have mentioned it. UGH, This is the LAST TIME. SERIOUSLY! 

(Revises, attempts to print again).

Really printer? You’re really going to smudge up the ink like that? Ugh. Now that I think of it, I better check over everything ONE more time…wouldn’t want to have to print all this out AGAIN.

(Checks over documents)

HOLY COW! I can’t believe I forgot to put a comma right here! Wow. Good thing I checked this again...This is kind of freaking me out how I’m still finding this stuff.

(Feeling of impending doom settles in).

(Reads aloud documents again, makes more minor revisions). 

Okay. This. Is. It. I’m ready. No turning back. Here I come printer!

(Attempts to print again).

Seriously? Now you’re going to fold the corner of my paper as it goes through? Come on PRINTER! 

(Attempts to print again).

Ohhhhh kay.  I guess the rest of the paper that’s going to come out of here is going to have this folded corner right here. 

(Checks paper loader). 

Of course you're empty. 

(Loads more paper. Prints again). 

(Sighs with relief).

Thank you! Alright then, let’s get you packed away into that manila envelope already. 

(Carefully slides cover letter, query letter, and manuscript into envelope). 

Ooh, can’t forget this vital component. 

(Inserts self-addressed, stamped envelope).

OH MY HECK! I can’t believe I forgot to sign my cover letter!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Author Reading

Today I participated in my first ever author reading of Itchy Mitchie! I have to admit, I was a little bit nervous to read my book aloud to a group of adorable little munchkins - after all, one of them could blurt out something like "THIS BOOK IS BORING!" at any moment, but thankfully that didn't happen! And while I went not knowing exactly how it was all going to take place, I'll tell you what, some of the best advice I've ever heard has been: pretend like you know what you're doing and no one will know the difference. So I think that worked! ;)

It was great to connect with the other two talented authors, Casey Rislov and Mary Fichtner, and I learned a lot by watching them read their ADORABLE books (Go check them out Here and Here!). I noticed how they really got the kids involved in the story by using props, asking them questions in between page turns, and telling them what to watch for in the upcoming illustrations - what great ideas!

I also set up an after-reading art project with the kids, which was nice to have something interactive for them to work on.

It was a great experience and I'm so grateful to the Knowledge Nook in Casper for allowing me to participate. Go check them out as well (! They are a really fun toy/book store run by some pretty generous, awesome people.

More soon!


Thursday, March 9, 2017

50 Precious Words Winner and Author Reading!

Today I was so excited to find out that I was among the winners of Vivian Kirkfield's 50 Precious Words writing contest! To see a list of the winners and read their awesome stories, you can go here:

I also had a local book store contact me to participate in an author reading of Itchy Mitchie on March  18th. I'll be reading alongside two other talented authors in my community and I'm so excited to have the opportunity to join in the fun! Who wants to come? Here's the info:

Exciting things to look forward to! I'll keep you posted on how it all goes down. In the meantime, let's keep on writing! :)

Thursday, March 2, 2017

50 Precious Words Writing Challenge

Hi friends! I'm making another attempt at a Picture Book writing competition. (These are just so fun!) This one is brought to you by Vivian Kirkfield (Thank you so much for the opportunity!). It's called the 50 Precious Words Writing Challenge and you can enter by going here:

As you might guess from the title, the story can be up to 50 words, but no more. It should be written for kids 12 and under and can be rhyme, prose, silly, or serious. Here's my entry, hope you enjoy it!

(50 Words)

Frog was smug.

He never lost a race.

Then a slug

said, “I can beat your pace!”

“Slugs are slow.”

“Then race me to the shoal!”

Mark, set, GO!

Then slug began to ROLL.

Zzzzzip! Slug won!

 “You see, you never know.

Slugs can’t run-

that doesn’t mean they’re slow.”