Monday, December 12, 2016

The agent who replied, and more.

About two weeks ago, I was opening my email at 8pm when I noticed a message in the inbox labeled "QUERIES".

I knew what that meant. An agent was getting back to one of my query submissions! She was from the Andrea Brown Literary Agency. I saw that it was in response to a lyrical picture book I sent her a couple moths previous. My stomach boiled with excitement as I clicked the message and read the following statement:

"Hi Debbie,

This is lots of fun, and I appreciate both the wonderful word play and the information imparted.  Do you have other picture book manuscripts that you can share with me?"

"Mike!!!" I squealed to my husband. "An agent just got back to meeeeeeee!!"

That night I stayed up late organizing my best manuscripts to send to the agent that has represented New York Times Best Sellers.

The next morning, I shakily replied with what I felt was six of my best stories attached. The agent quickly responded and said she'd take a look and get back to me in two weeks time.

Here's what she sent back two days ago:

"Dear Debbie,

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to look at your picture books.  You've certainly got a way with words!  Unfortunately, after carefully considering all of your manuscripts and sharing them with my colleagues, I've decided that they are not quite right for my list, and I am therefore going to pass.  Editorial opinion is, of course, subjective, and another agent or editor is likely to feel differently.  I wish you every success in finding the right home for your work."

Deep breath. Whoo. Ok. First of all, don't cry.   Just a sec...Ok, I'm good....   Now.   Here's what I can glean from this experience:

#1 My work was good enough for an agent from Andrea Brown Lit. to notice. Even though she ultimately didn't take me on, this fact is validating. Sometimes you feel like you are just writing and writing and you don't really know if it's any good or if you are just fooling yourself. After several rejection letters, you begin to wonder, "Am I just wasting my time? Am I crappy at writing??" The validation of having an agent notice your work is incredibly motivating. It's still a rejection, yes, but it was closer than a "No, I'm not even remotely interested," which makes me want to keep trying!

#2 She did say that "other agents/editors" are likely to feel differently. I don't know if she tells that to everyone, but I appreciated that she said it to me, and I'm going to choose to believe her. I'm not giving up. There is a " right home for my work" out there!

#3 Since this agent responded, It's inspired me to write more stories that I probably wouldn't have otherwise. It's also given me a whole new set of ideas for future projects. So hey, there's that.

#4 I now know that my query letter is enough up-to-par to solicit an agent response. Because, who doesn't doubt their query letter?

So anyway, that's the story of the agent who replied. In conclusion, I'm more motivated than ever, I'm writing lots, and I'm determined to keep trying!

In other writing news, did I ever tell you I got a membership to SCBWI? (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) It's kind of a must-have for children's writers, so if that's you, consider joining! It's around 80$ a year. My husband got me signed up for my birthday present a few weeks ago, and it's already been a great resource full of tips, ideas, and opportunities. Check out my profile here and be sure to take a look around at all the website has to offer.

Lastly, I want to remind you that my book, Itchy Mitchie, makes a wonderful gift! Get your copy in time for the holidays here. And now for my promotional message of the day: I recently got a note from a customer who reminded me of one of the big reasons I keep writing. She bought Itchy Mitchie for her child who complains of being itchy often. After reading the book, here's what that customer said:

"Debbie, your book was perfect! ... [My child] even said, 'yes mom, when I read books, I don't have to scratch.' ...Thank you!" 

I love when the message of my book connects to the reader! If  that message can help a child in some way, then I feel like I'm doing something significant and it's worth it!

PS. I've actually sold Itchy Mitchie to a couple parents who say their kids complain of being itchy! I didn't write the book specifically for itchy-only customers, but because the book uses the example of itchiness as the main characters' problem, it has helped people with that specific problem. Cool! That makes me happy. The book was, after all, based on a true story of a little first grader who hated wearing shoes to school. :) 

Friday, November 25, 2016

The kids tell me a story

My boys new favorite activity lately is having Mom tell them a story. I love it because it gets my creative juices flowing, and also because that was one of my favorite memories of my dad growing up, so it's pretty special to pass on the tradition . Well, today I asked them to tell ME a story and the result was pretty adorable. It looks like my boys will be story tellers too! Yes!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Fun Little Art Project

Today I finished a little project I've been working on the last few days for an upcoming art contest.  Kinda fun!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Exciting news! ...And other updates.

Yesterday was a day of days! It was a day where history was made! It was a day where dreams came true! Ok, I'm sure it's not THAT big of a deal, but for me, it was huge! It's a start.

Yesterday was the first day ever that I got one of my writings published by a real life publishing company! ...(And they are even paying me for it, which makes it feel official and all). HURRAY!

Members of the New Spirit Journal are compiling a book of stories about hope - ones where the writers lost hope and gained it again. In my story, my hope came from a promise made by God. It took a little bit of time to be fulfilled, but the hope of that promise got me through years of uncertainty. The book will be called "The Book of Hope Anthology" and will be available this coming January, so stay tuned! 

I have to say, I am so grateful that my testimony of God's love and the hope of his goodness will be shared with others. I couldn't have picked a better first published project. That's really my goal in writing anything - to inspire, uplift (and sometimes make people laugh). So this is an extra special project to be a part of for me! I'll keep you updated on release dates and such, I think it really will be a great book!

In other news, I've been extremely busy Mommying lately and haven't had much time for writing projects. My little girl is now 2 months old and such a little sweetie! My twin boys (who I love, love love!) are busier than ever, and it takes all my strength to keep them from fighting or destroying the house.

The other day I was listening to a podcast on Writer's Digest where a Children's book author/illustrator was being interviewed and she was asked how she finds time to write. Her response: "Well, I really admire writers with kids- I don't know how they do it. I don't have kids and writing is all I do." Well, I'll tell you how we do it...We do it very, very slowly, one small effort at a time. And that's OK. :)

So, my plan is that in a couple months or so when things calm down, I'll get back to working on my book about Twins, which I hope to complete by next summer! In the meantime, I'll keep my eyes peeled for small contests that pop up - projects that take a day or two. For stay at home parents, or working people, this is a great way to stay in the writing world - many contests  are free, quick and easy to submit to. And you never know, one of them may get published!

Despite limited time, I have managed to join a local writer's group in the last few weeks and it's already proven to be great! I found out about the Book of Hope submissions through my writing group and also some pretty neat writing opportunities from fellow authors. Writing groups are so beneficial! I would say they are ESSENTIAL for any writer! So, if you love to write and want to improve on your craft, look up a writing group near you! They are everywhere and they are sooo worth it! I know it can be very intimidating putting your writing out there for other people's critique, but it's the only way to get to your goals of publishing (if that's what you want).

Stay tuned for more soon!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Why every writer needs a writing group

This is a picture of my writing group. I love these women! Just looking at this picture makes my heart happy. These are my girls. They are amazing and I don't know where I'd be without them. Yes, we are a pretty small group, but don't be fooled. It only takes a a few talented writers coming together to create a highly productive, incredibly helpful, and completely awesome writing group.

You may ask yourself: what is a writing group and how does it work? Well, every writing group probably does things a little differently. But basically, it's this:

You team up with other writers in your area and say: "Hey, lets meet every week, (or every other week, or once a month) at such and such place". Before you all meet, each group member sends out something they've written via email so the whole group can read it beforehand. (Note: It's important to have a maximum number of pages to send out so that the group isn't overloaded with 500 pages to read in a 2-week time period). Each group member will edit the writings and make notes for each author. When the group meets, everyone will take a turn to get what they wrote critiqued by the entire group. The author can ask any questions and get feedback on how they could improve on what they've written.  You can also discuss any related topics, like querying agents, marketing strategies, and whatever you want really.

And that's that! So...

Are you a writer with goals of turning your stories into something more than they are now? If the answer is yes, my next question is: Are you in a writing group? If not, then you should be! And here's why:

1. If you want your writings to be the best they can be, YOU NEED CRITIQUE! No matter how good you think your writing is, there's components of it that you just can't see need to be changed on your own. You need a new pair of eyes and a fresh brain to read it over and point out what may be obvious to everyone else but you. Is is intimidating to put your writing out there for others to edit? YES! But that's why you invite nice people into your group, who will tell you the truth (extremely important that they are honest) but in a nice way. :) And hey, getting advice doesn't mean you HAVE to change your story, it's just incredibly helpful feedback - and you should get as much of it from as many people as possible if you want your writing to improve.

2. Writing groups keep you MOTIVATED TO KEEP WRITING! Even if you think you write pretty often already, being in a writing group forces you to keep it up on a regular basis and gives you incredible motivation to FINISH projects. For example, my writing group meets every other week and we each are expected to have written something new each time. How motivational is that! Are you working on a novel but stuck in a writing slump? What about an idea for a children's book that you just haven't got around to putting on paper? Not finishing writing projects is what happens to 90% of wannabe authors - making any dreams of publishing impossible. In a writing group, having to have new material written every two weeks FORCES you to at least get something down on paper, even if it's not perfect. And after a few months of this, you'll be finishing that book in no time!

3. Writing groups connect you to amazing people who will increase your opportunities and skills! In writing groups, you'll meet other artists, other creative minds. People with great ideas who can help inspire your work. People with skills that you may be able to learn from - knowledge of other writing clubs, classes, or resources. Maybe someone in the group knows how to use Photoshop really well and you need to learn that to create a successful book cover. Maybe someone has connections with the local library and can help you get an author reading day set up there. Maybe one is an illustrator and can help you illustrate your book or give you information on someone else who can. Collaborating with other authors helps you find out about local author events, gives you other authors to split table costs with at the craft market when you sell your book, helps you find out about writing conferences or helpful websites, or other books that relate to your work (which is helpful in finding the right agent for you). If you are all writers with similar goals who are all researching ways to get your books out there - then you are all bound to learn and gain something valuable from each other. 

4. The Support is just the best! Being in a supportive group of other authors, cheering each other on, buying each others books and helping to spread the word for each other, having friends to go to writing conferences with or just to talk about writing with in general, having that support - emotional and physical - is just priceless. It makes all the difference. It keeps you going. It encourages you. It makes writing FUN. It's seriously like a party every time you meet. But then again, make sure the members in your group are nice, like mine...;)

5. You can meet in your PJ's and bring cookies. I think that pretty much speaks for itself. It's awesome. 

So I know it might be a little intimidating, but trust me, being in a writing group is SOOO much better than trying to figure everything out on your own. It may get you out of your comfort zone, but for those serious about writing, believe me, it's what you need. And hey, maybe you aren't really serious about writing and it's just something that gives you joy and you don't really have any goals for your works. In that case, a writing group can still be for you! If you just have a desire to share what you are writing or to just get free grammar editing, or just positive feedback, let the group know, and if they're nice like mine, then they'll be more than happy to oblige. :)

So, ask around. Find out who likes to write just like you do. You'll be surprised at how many people do! Try to find those who are truly talented and passionate writers, who will be honest - people who will inspire you and help you rather than be TOO nice to give you any critique. And then organize a writing group with these people. Even a group of two or three is better than one. If you can't find anyone you know , look up groups in your community - they are all over the place. And when you do, let me know how much your writing is improving and how much you are loving it! Because I know you will!